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Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship

The Carolyn Kuckein Student Research Fellowship is seeking students who have a passion for research and are highly likely to pursue academic medicine or pursue careers as physician-scientists in the future.

Designed to foster the development of the next generation of medical researchers, the Carolyn Kuckein Student Research Fellowship will provide financial support for research to be conducted either full time (30+ hours per week) during a period of 8 to 10 weeks, or part-time (~4 hours per week) over a period of 12 months. The research should focus on clinical investigation, basic laboratory research, epidemiology, social science/health services research, leadership, or professionalism.



  • Only one internally selected candidate per medical school will be advanced to the national competition. Hence, serious applicants must review fellowship information carefully on the AOA website.
  • First-, second-, and third-year UMB medical students are eligible.
  • Students taking a year off for research or to gain a PhD are not eligible.
  • MD/PhD holders are not eligible (but are encouraged to apply for the AΩA Post Graduate Fellowship).
  • A student may only receive one fellowship from AΩA during medical school.
  • Students do not have to be an AOA member to apply.
  • All student and mentor combinations with innovative, exciting, and potentially impactful concepts should consider applying, as the review process is holistic.

Key Dates

Key Dates

  • Immediately: Complete the interest form to receive the most up-to-date information, including the date of our Virtual Information Session
  • October through November: Identify a mentor and intended project
  • November through Mid-December: Develop a competitive proposal and complete application for internal review
  • December 18, 2023 at 11:59PM: Deadline for submission to the Office of Student Research for internal review. There are no exceptions.
    NOTE: Applications will be evaluated based on completeness of application, quality of student, strength of proposal, and mentoring environment
  • By Mid-January: Applicants are alerted of the results of the internal review.
  • By January 23, 2024: Our office will submit the complete application packet, including letters of endorsement from the AOA Councilor and from the SOM Dean, to the AOA website.
  • May 3, 2024: AOA announces the winners of the National Review.

A Strong Application Has...

A Strong Application Has...

  1. A strong project proposal, which should be hypothesis-driven, potentially impactful, novel, and feasible (can be conducted in the timeframe proposed)
  2. Evidence of student’s passion for research as shown through research engagement from undergraduate and/or post-baccalaureate years or pre-medical school years
  3. Evidence of a strong mentoring environment wherein the project will be completed

Full Sequence

Full Sequence

  1. Students who are planning on applying for the award should complete this interest form to alert the OSR, Dr. Greg Carey (lead), and AOA Councilors (Drs. Donna Parker and Erin Giudice).
  2. Students must identify a mentor and develop a hypothesis-driven project.
    • The AOA’s Kuckein Award web-page details previous student winners and the winning projects. Students should review this list. A good application will take about a month to put together.
  3. Drafts may be submitted to Councilors and cc’ed to Dr. Carey for pre-view. All candidates will receive equal and best available assistance as per request.
  4. Students prepare the following, per AOA guidelines:
    • The completed application (on the AOA Website);
    • A summary (four or fewer pages) of the research project written by the applicant, single-spaced, in 12-point type with 1- inch margins, as follows: title, hypothesis, rationale, background information, methods and sample size, plan for data analysis, potential significance, role of the student in preparation and execution of the project, an estimate of the number of hours/weeks that the student will devote to the project, and an acronym definition list;
    • The project bibliography;
    • Proof of IRB or IACUC approval;
    • The student’s CV (no more than 3-4 pages);
    • A letter of support from the faculty mentor/research supervisor indicating his/her commitment of time and interest to the project and student; and
    • The faculty mentor/research supervisor’s biographical sketch (3-4 pages – see NIH format for an example). Please do not send the mentor's complete CV.
  5. By Monday, December 18 at 11:59 PM, students submit the application for the first round, internal review via email (details under "Contact Us").
    Applications received after this date will not be reviewed. Incomplete applications cannot be edited or supplemented in any manner after December 18.
  6. AOA Councilors and the OSR assemble and convene a committee that rigorously reviews all applications, and then select the most competitive application for the national review round. Applicants will be advised of the results of the internal review.

  7. The internal review committee works with the AOA Councilor and the SOM Dean to prepare endorsing and countersigned letters for the candidate that will represent UM SOM in the national and final round of reviews.

  8. The AOA is expecting the final packet (which includes the student’s complete application and the Councilor’s and Dean’s letters) for review by January 23 for the 2024 cycle. These materials will be submitted by AOA Councilors and OSR leadership.

  9. The AOA will announce the results of the national review between May and June, 2024.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Do you have any questions about the fellowship or application process?

Send Us Your AOA Questions!



Submit completed applications via email to AOA Councilors and the OSR:

Dr. Erin Giudice

Dr. Zaineb H. Makhzoumi

Dr. Greg Carey