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Resources for Research Faculty

Research Related Resources

Overview of SOM’s areas of research focus and resources available to SOM faculty in Offices of the Dean, Research Websites and Research Centers. 

  • NOTE: This is the home page for all SOM research offices and resources
  • Reviewing and managing the pre-award process
  • Identifying and notifying departments and faculty members about funding opportunities
  • Assisting with limited grant submissions and university funded award programs
  • Assembling and submitting large/complex multi-PI grant applications
  • The ORA can provide assistance in acquiring letters of support, assembling and proofreading proposals, etc. but require that all requests for assistance be made at least two months prior to the proposal deadline.
  • Identifying and establishing new, interdisciplinary research collaborations
  • Interfacing between departmental research administrators and university compliance staff


Office of Research Affairs

The ORA staff provides a wide range of services to SOM faculty including:

Joni M. Prasad, PhD

Assistant Dean for Research Affairs

Chief Conflict of Interest Officer

Phone: (410) 706-6353 


 UMSOM Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources (CIBR)

CIBR provides specialized expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and sophisticated scientific resources supporting a robust basic, clinical and translational biomedical research environment.

Nicholas Ambulos, PhD, Director


UMSOM Biostatistics Shared Service

Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Office Hours

Tuesdays, 12:00 – 1:00pm

660 W. Redwood Street, Howard Hall, Suite 109

The Division of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics will hold office hours. This is geared towards researchers from around campus who may be considering statistical needs, pilot studies, etc. Current faculty collaborators and students may continue to make appointments with the biostatisticians as necessary.

Susan Holt



General Clinical Research Center (GCRC)

The GCRC is available to all University of Maryland investigators who have a need for Center resources and who will conduct clinical research of scientific merit. Studies funded by federal sources, foundations, industry and other sources are welcome. The GCRC welcomes pilot studies that may lead to future peer-reviewed clinical research. The GCRC can provide investigators with the resources they need to conduct clinical research, including and the facilities for inpatient and outpatient data collection and patient care, as well as a state-of-the-art DEXA Facility.

Meghan Banchero




UMB Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR)

Provides resources for investigators conducting translations research including: core services, internal funding opportunities, and education and training opportunities


HSHSL Library Resources for Faculty Members

The HSHSL Library provides a range of services including:

  • Consultations regarding information and literature searches
  • Workshops on database searching, citation managers, new information technologies
  • Assistance with conducting a systematic review
  • Review of IRB consent forms
  • Presentation practice studio

Christina Pabon-Buck, MSLIS, Research, Education and Outreach Librarian

Health Sciences and Human Services Library, UMB


Human Research Protections Office


The institutional review board (IRB) is designated to approve, monitor, and review biomedical and behavioral research involving humans. They often conduct some form of risk-benefit analysis in an attempt to determine whether or not research should be done. The number one priority of IRBs is to protect human subjects from physical or psychological harm.

Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, MPH, PhD, IRB Chair



HRPO helps Investigators:

  • Design, write, and organize research protocols
  • Maintain compliance with UMB, IRB, and federal policies, procedures, and regulations
  • Create and submit IRB applications via CICERO
  • Ensure protection of human research participants

Julie Doherty, DM, MSN, Human Protections Administrator


Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment

Joni M. Prasad, PhD

Assistant Dean for Research Affairs

Chief Conflict of Interest Officer

Phone: (410) 706-6353  



Tools for Identifying Collaborators/Mentors


Search portfolios of funded research by NIH, AHRQ, CDC, HRSA, SAMHSA, FDA and VA.

UMB Faculty Profiles:

Resources for Grants

CARTI Grant Writing Support 

Institutional information for grants (to be used for facilities/institutional environment)

Clinical trial recruitment and retention templates

Sample grant applications

Sample & templates for budget and budget justification

Resources for Preparing an R01 Grant Application


Navigating NIH Funding & Best Practices:

Resource to help early stage investigators understand the process for preparing and submitting grant applications, including available NIH resources to use when applying for NIH funding.


CSR Early Career (ECR) Reviewer Program:

“The program aims to help early career scientists become more competitive as grant applicants through first-hand experience with peer review and to enrich and diversify CSR’s pool of trained reviewers.”

Internal Funding Opportunities

ICTR Voucher Program

Up to $5,000 to help defray the costs of services needed to generate preliminary data for grant applications/peer-reviewed publications. Services that may be eligible for voucher support include those listed at these sites:  CIBR, GCRC, BIORESCO, NORC, and UMMC* IDS and some community-engaged research expenses. Three opportunities are supported through this mechanism: ICTR Innovative Collaboration Pilot Grant, ICTR Artificial Intelligence / Cybersecurity/Machine Learning Pilot Grant, ICTR Community-Engaged Research Pilot Grant.

ICTR ATIP Grant Program

UMB ICTR Accelerated Translational Incubator Pilot (ATIP) Grant provides up to $50,000 direct costs to provide starter funds for projects specifically focused on innovative, translational research that involve faculty from the UMB Schools of Dentistry, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, or Social Work; UMBC, and UMB-community partnerships.

UMB ICTR KL2 Mentored Career Development Award

The awards support the career development of individuals dedicated to a career in clinical investigation and who aspire to develop into future leaders in clinical research. Support is provided for three years. The initial two years, based upon satisfactory progress, is provided by each school’s Institutional funds. The final year is provided by the applicant’s home division/department or UMB School.

University of Maryland Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (UM-OAIC) Pilot Program

The Center will consider funding 3 pilot projects, one of which will be technology focused, with budgets up to $50,000. This funding is designed to provide start-up support for quality research proposals of high relevance to the Center’s mission, which addresses the process by which function is lost, and the multiple factors that affect the onset, and progression of disability in older adults. Please contact Anne Sullens ( with any questions.

University of Maryland Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center (UM-OAIC) Micro Funds

The Center is excited to offer the opportunity for Pepper Center pilot investigators and junior scholars as well as Pepper Center affiliates that are interested in applying for a pilot or junior scholar position in the future to apply for micro-funds ranging from $500-$1,000 for a current project that relates to the Pepper Center theme.  There is no deadline to apply as funds are available on an as needed basis. Requests should be submitted to Anne Sullens (

Passano Foundation Clinician-Investigator Awards for Career Development

The purpose of these Passano Clinician-Investigator Awards is to help protect the research time, and thereby further the acquisition of experience and preliminary results for qualified young UMSOM faculty clinician-investigators during the time that they are applying for external career development grant support.  The award is for $37,500 per year for up to two years. For more information please contact Marey Shriver ( Read the 2023 Guidelines.

Maryland Innovation Initiative

The Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) is a grant program created to advance the commercialization of near-term, pre-commercial technologies through technology validation, market assessment, and the creation of startup companies in Maryland. Collaborative projects between UMB and University of Maryland College Park, UMBC, Johns Hopkins University, and Morgan State University are strongly encouraged and are eligible for 25% more funding. Contact our Site Miners ( for help identifying partners and planning proposals.

Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research 

This is a great way to boost your funding and allow you to supplement funding for diversity trainees, administrative supplements to enhance your research projects, and obtain equipment for your laboratories.  The applications are easy to submit with funding released typically within 3 months due to these not undergoing peer-review.

Here is a comprehensive listing of diversity/administrative supplements by NIH Institute which should be easy for investigators to navigate based on the NIH Institute your parent awards reside in order to find proper information and links to supplement opportunities.

Please contact Sarah Laye or Danielle Stegman for more information or if interested in pursuing these opportunities.

Professional Development Resources

Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development was created to help faculty find the resources and answers they need to build successful careers at the School of Medicine. We will help campus faculty, community-based faculty and teaching residents develop skills as teachers, evaluators and mentors in our teaching programs.

Silke Niederhaus, MD, Associate Dean

Office of Faculty Affairs & Professional Development



Ada Offurum, MD, Assistant Dean

Office of Faculty Affairs & Professional Development


Office of Academic Administration

The OAA is tasked with managing the full scope of actions during the faculty life cycle, including: recruitment, appointment, tenure status, promotion, leave of absence, change in status, and retirement.

Information on Faculty Promotions:

List of Departmental APT Partners:

Education & Training Resources

Clinical and Translational Research Training

This program is to provide education and training in clinical and translational research for clinicians and scientists.


UMB Writing Center  

Isabell May, Director, Email:

James Wright, Multilingual Writing Specialist. supports writers from diverse backgrounds and advocates with these writers for multilingual and global literacy practices in the university. Email:


CITI Program

Login to find required ethics, compliance, and research related training.


UMB HR’s sLearning - Percipio

Login to find required training for EHS lab safety, accountability and compliance, and other online training modules.

If you have any questions, please contact


List of Master’s and Certificate programs on campus:

Research Ethics Courses


Various aspects of research ethics are examined, including data collection and ownership, issues in the use of human and animal subjects, responsibilities of authorship, identifying and handling conflicts of interest, scientific misconduct, the peer review system, collaborative research in academia and industry, mentor/mentee relationships, contemporary ethical issues, and the role of the scientist as a responsible member of society. Each session has a readings list assigned and involves in-depth small group discussions of relevant cases with faculty in small group discussions. Postdoctoral fellows, and students not needing the credit may sign up for the course informally, but are expected to participate fully in order to receive a letter of course completion. Grading is based on group participation and leadership of at least one group discussion. 1 Credit hours

Responsible Conduct of Research:

The Office of Postdoctoral Scholars offers ten sessions on the topics related to responsible conduct of research (authorship, collaborative research, conflicts of interest, secure data acquisition and management, safe and inclusive research environments, mentoring, peer review, research misconduct, policies regarding human and animal subjects and safe lab practices, and research ethics and society). Each month a different faculty member from UMB with expertise on that topic provides a lecture lasting 30 minutes to one hour which is then followed by a small group discussion on case studies led by discussion moderators for 30 minutes. Participants who complete all 10 sessions will receive a letter and certificate of completion. Junior faculty members with NIH training grants are welcome to attend this series and can also serve as small group facilitators. Please contact Renee Cockerham ( to learn the details of registering for this series.

NIH Rigor & Reproducibility Training

Are you completing a Career Development (K) Award? Are you preparing for an upcoming NIH grant application? The NIH has a selection of online training for pre-clinical and clinical research to enhance rigorous experimental design and training. (


Tools for Identifying Collaborators/Mentors

Identify Similar Funded Projects

  • Matchmaker Enter abstracts or other scientific text and Matchmaker will return a list of 100 similar projects from RePORTER.

Mentoring and Career Stage Working Group Join a Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) Working Group. ALL are welcome to join one or more working groups

Funding Databases

Email Alert Databases

Resources for Women Faculty

Women In Medicine and Science (WIMS)

The Women in Science and Medicine (WIMS) organization at the University of Maryland School of Medicine supports the professional and academic success of women faculty.

Resources for Postdoctoral Scholars

Office of Postdoctoral Scholars

The mission of Office of Postdoctoral Scholars (OPS) is to enrich the training experiences and long-range outcomes of our Postdoctoral Researchers by: fostering a sense of community, new collaborations and providing industry leading research training support and career development opportunities.

International Research Resources

International Operations (IO) 

The International Operations (IO) division serves the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) community as it engages in the international implementation of global education, research, and service. As a partner with the Center for Global Engagement (CGE), together we strive to provide comprehensive assistance through the Global Hub for personalized support with international activities conducted by UMB personnel and units. We are here to help and are staffed by specialists in international finance, procurement, human resources, travel, safety and security, and other operational areas. IO administers the Maryland Global Initiatives Corporation (MGIC), a mechanism that allows UMB to sustain international presence when necessary to execute UMB research and other programs in the form of dedicated personnel, physical office space, a bank account, or similar infrastructure outside the US. IO sets UMB standards for international operations, oversees operational compliance, and facilitates and promotes robust risk management. To learn more about how we can help you with your international services please visit our website ( or contact us at

Wellness Resources

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program is a free, confidential counseling and referral service. The EAP is staffed by trained behavioral health professionals and is designed to assist employees and family members experiencing personal, professional or family problems. The EAP can help with problems such as:

  • Stress, depression, anxiety and grief
  • Marriage/family counseling
  • Career planning
  • Parenting difficulties
  • Drug or alcohol concerns
  • Job loss or job change


UMB Guidance Resources

UMB Guidance Resources program offers someone to talk to and resources to consult whenever and wherever you need them. This no-cost service provides confidential solutions to life’s challenges including:

  • Work/Academic Life Solutions
  • Legal Guidance
  • Financial Resources


Launch Your Life

The mission of Launch Your Life at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is to promote the well-being of our University employees by increasing awareness, offering supporting activities, and providing resources to help employees achieve a better quality of life at home and at work.

Online Communities/Resources

National Center For Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)

The NCFDD is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community for graduate students, post-docs, and faculty members and are 100% dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers. They offer an array of resources including webinars and past recordings. UMB has an institutional membership. To sign up, visit: and select “University of Maryland Baltimore”

Edge for Scholars for Scholars is your community for candid conversation about life in academics.  Stories focus on how to do great research, stay productive, network effectively, mentor well and be mentored, negotiate for resources, get grants, refine writing and editing, cultivate leadership skills, and achieve your goals.

Conflict Resolution

Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland (C-DRUM)

The Center for Dispute Resolution at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law (C-DRUM) promotes the power of conflict resolution to build a more just society. Through professional education, research, and direct services, C-DRUM equips individuals and communities with the knowledge and skills to address conflict strategically and productively. Contact: (410) 706-4270


Office of the Ombuds

Confidential. Neutral. Informal. Independent. The Office of the Ombuds helps University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) faculty and staff express concerns, resolve disputes, manage conflict, seek fair and equitable solutions, and learn more productive ways of communicating. Contact: Brian O. Godette, JD,, (410) 706-8534


Center for Dispute Resolution - Workplace Mediation Service


Mini Library

The CARTI's “Mini Library” provides access to books relevant to developing the professional skills and success of an academic research career of SOM faculty.

Visit the CARTI's Mini Library for a complete list of books.