Research Cores & Services

Center for Innovative Biomedical Resources (CIBR)
CIBR provides specialized expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and sophisticated scientific resources supporting a robust basic, clinical, and translational biomedical research environment. CIBR provides faculty members access to sophisticated instrumentation and highly trained technical staff who can provide support on experimental design, data analysis and interpretation, and provide training opportunities.

Biostatistics Shared Services approach quantitative biomedical research as a team sport. Biostatisticians bring a strong foundation in statistics, mathematics, and computational methods, augmented by knowledge of the field of application and familiarity with biomedical concepts and terminology. This team has expertise in many fields of ‘traditional’ biostatistics, including study/trial design and multivariable statistical modeling, but also in bioinformatics, high-dimensionality data sets, machine learning, supervised and unsupervised data analysis, mathematical modeling, simulations and much more!
Services are by appointment only but office hours for quick questions are available in Howard Hall, Suite 109, Tuesdays, noon to 1pm or make an appointment with Susan Holt

General Clinical Research Center (GCRC)
GCRC supports the full spectrum of patient-oriented research and is available to all University of Maryland investigators. The GCRC can provide investigators with the resources they need to conduct clinical research, including and the facilities for inpatient and outpatient data collection and patient care, as well as a state-of-the-art DEXA Facility. Studies funded by federal sources, foundations, industry, and other sources are welcome. The GCRC welcomes pilot studies that may lead to future peer-reviewed clinical research.

Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HSHSL)
HSHSL is a multi-functional, comprehensive library and information services facility. HSHSL provides research consultations on literature search strategies, data management, storage and sharing, as well as poster creation. HSHSL also provides numerous tutorials, workshops, and other services.
Submit a chat question at
Text questions to 410-695-6362

UMB Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR)
ICTR is a campuswide clinical translational research initiative supported by the UMB campus and the powerful alliance with the JHU ICTR and NIH NCATS CTSA partnership. The UMB ICTR provides free resources, education and training, and grant funding to invigorate, facilitate, and accelerate clinical translational science to improve patient and community health.