Conflict Resolution

Confidential. Neutral. Informal. Independent. The Office of the Ombuds helps UMB faculty and staff express concerns, resolve disputes, manage conflict, seek fair and equitable solutions, and learn more productive ways of communicating. To schedule a meeting with the Ombudsman, please email Brian Godette at

University of Maryland Francis King Carey Mediation Clinic
Mediation is a voluntary and confidential form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral mediator facilitates a conversation and problem-solving process between people in conflict. The mediator assists the parties in identifying underlying needs and interests and helps the participants identify options for resolution. Mediation provides an opportunity for individuals to discuss their concerns and enables them to reach an agreement on their own terms.

The ROM will provide confidential, impartial, and informal support to members of the UMB research community — including faculty, postdoctoral scholars, students, and staff — who may have concerns or questions regarding research misconduct and other research-related issues. UMB faculty, postdoctoral scholars, students, and staff who would like to arrange a confidential meeting with the ROM should contact Bruce K. Krueger, PhD at