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  • 1s Annual Maryland Spring Stem Cell Symposium and Workshop

    May 17, 2024 | University of Maryland, Health Science Research Facility III, Baltimore, Maryland

Maryland Spring Stem Cell Symposium and Workshop

1st Annual Maryland Spring Stem Cell Symposium and Workshop

May 17, 2024

Health Science Research Facility III
University of Maryland, Baltimore
670 W. Baltimore Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

Submit an Abstract


The University of Maryland School of Medicine co-hosted the 1st Annual Maryland Spring Stem Cell Symposium and Workshop, an extensive gathering of leading researchers in stem cells, bioengineering, and regenerative medicine across Maryland on May 17, 2024. The event aimed to spotlight Maryland's innovative stem cell research and emphasize the vital roles of emerging scholars and junior faculty. Additionally, it sought to facilitate networking opportunities and bridge the geographical gaps between researchers from various Maryland institutions.

We hope this will be the first of a series of symposia that will help showcase the research funded by the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF). MSCRF, established in 2006 by Maryland's General Assembly and Governor, is the second largest fund nationwide to support stem cell and regenerative medicine research and its commercialization with the goal of accelerating cures and improving human lives. This symposium  showcased the impactful outcomes of MSCRF's visionary support and fostered collaborations with biotech firms and local hospitals to advance patient care. Other co-sponsors included the Center for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, University System of Maryland's Council of University System Faculty, and the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering.

The symposium featured a Keynote Lecture by Dr. Curt Civin, a world-renowned professor and pioneer scientist in hematopoietic stem cells and regenerative medicine, and four one-hour oral sessions that covered various stem cell research topics. Jay A. Perman, MD, Chancellor, University System of Maryland was the guest of honor.

In particular, junior-level participants were encouraged to submit abstracts with an opportunity to compete for awards. Lastly, the symposium  provided ample opportunities for formal and informal discussions and networking with stem cells and regenerative medicine experts.