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Buehler Laboratory Projects

Research Interests

Within the Center of Blood Oxygen Transport and Hemostasis, Dr. Buehler’s research interests include studying the effects of novel red blood cell processing techniques (pathogen reduction, innovative storage, stem cell derived and bioengineered red blood cells) on quality and function (post-transfusion recovery, oxygen delivery, intercellular gas exchange, and tissue metabolic response).

Dr. Buehler's work integrates experimental markers of post-transfusion response to oxygen homeostasis and erythropoiesis, coupled with oxygen imaging techniques, to understand the physiological impact of novel blood processing approaches. This work specifically evaluates post-transfusion changes in tissue blood flow and oxygen sensing and erythropoiesis at the molecular level, with a focus on the study of hypoxia inducible factors (HIF-1 and HIF-2), erythropoietin, erythroferrone and hepcidin.

Dr. Buehler's work optimizes promising oximetry and imaging techniques that measure tissue oxygen concentrations at multiple anatomical sites to complement the timing of molecular adaptive responses. In addition to a focus on blood research, Dr. Buehler’s group is critically involved in pre-clinical proof of concept and toxicology research to support the development of therapeutics and diagnostics.

This work includes experimental evaluation in the following topic areas:

  • Proof-of-concept studies for small molecule, biological therapeutic and medical device effectiveness
  • Hemolytic and thrombotic toxicity associated therapeutics and medical devices
  • Pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic studies of novel therapeutics and toxins
  • Early phase exploratory toxicology studies to predict adverse event levels, specific metabolic pathways, end organ toxicities/mechanisms and product quantity needs

Current Projects

  • University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation: Understanding Safety Concerns with IV Misuse and Abuse of Opioids in Deterrent Formulations, Phase II of III
  • Engineering a novel biomaterial for oxygen transport applications
  • Bioengineering a Dual Function Protein Construct to Detoxify Heme and Hemoglobin
  • Aerosolized therapy for hemoglobin toxicity in the treatment of hemolytic diseases
  • Improving Tumor Oxygenation to Enhance Chemotherapy
  • The paradoxical response to iron in pulmonary hypertension of sickle cell disease
  • Bioengineering a novel therapeutic protein complex to minimize the effects of medical device induced hemolysis

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