Professor - Tenured*
Associate Professor - Tenured*
Professor - Tenure Track
Associate Professor - Tenure Track
(*The APT Committee will consider rank and tenure as two separate actions).
- Seek approval of recruitment from the Dean’s Office before advertising.
- Once selected, have the top candidate meet with the Dean (see recruitment offer process for specific instructions).
- Seek approval of the Offer Letter from the Dean’s Office before letter is sent to the candidate.
- Read through the Guidelines- Appointment as Associate Professor or Professor, TT or Tenured NEW! before beginning to obtain materials for this appointment.
- Checklist- Appointment as Associate Professor or Professor, TT or Tenured NEW! may help you track your progress.
- Be aware that all faculty appointments at these ranks may take 4 to 6 months to complete, as they need to be reviewed by the OAA, APT Committee, Executive Committee, School of Medicine Council, President and Dean.
- Do not send a separate copy of the candidate’s CV in Word format until you are notified by the OAA. Be sure to keep track of the final version as requested revisions are made.
Professor - Non-Tenure Track
Associate Professor - Non-Tenure Track
- Seek from the Dean’s Office before advertising.
- Seek approval of the offer letter from the Dean’s Office before letter is sent to the candidate.
- Read through the Guidelines- Appointment as Associate Professor or Professor, NTT NEW! before beginning to obtain materials for this appointment.
- Checklist- Appointment as Associate Professor or Professor, NTT NEW! may help you track your progress.
- Be aware that all faculty appointments at these ranks may take 2 to 4 months to complete, as they need to be reviewed by the OAA, Executive Committee, School of Medicine Council, President and Dean.
Assistant Professor - Tenure Track
Assistant Professor - Non-Tenure Track
- Seek approval from the Dean’s Office before advertising.
- Seek approval of the offer letter from the Dean’s Office before letter is sent to the candidate.
- Read through Guidelines- Appointment as Assistant Professor NEW! before beginning to obtain materials for this appointment.
- Checklist - Appointment as Assistant Professor NEW! may help you track your progress.
- Be aware that all faculty appointments at these ranks may take 1 to 2 months to complete, as they need to be reviewed by the OAA, School of Medicine Council, EVPAA and Dean.
Instructor - Non-Tenure Track
Research Associate - Non-Tenure Track
- Seek approval of the Research Associate/Instructor Offer Letter from the Dean’s Office before letter is sent to the candidate.
- Read through Guidelines- Appointment as Instructor or Research Associate NEW! before beginning to obtain materials for this appointment.
- Checklist- Appointment as Instructor or Research Associate NEW! may help you track your progress.
- Be aware that all faculty appointments at these ranks may take 2 to 4 weeks