Frequently Asked Questions
Select a topic below for FAQs on that subject:
Project Initiation/Closure
What do I do if I am interested in starting a new project with CTRIC?
Contact our program manager, Teresa Yates (410 706 3461). She would be happy to talk to you about your future project and how we might be able to assist you.
What happens when my study ends?
CTRIC has standard procedures for study closures to ensure all your data is fully transferred to your possession. Review our procedures for closing out a study with CTRIC (once the procedures are approved, we will describe the relevant information for customers here).
What information do I need to provide CTRIC in order to have a TeleForm created?
Before requesting the creation of a TeleForm, you should finish all aesthetic edits on a draft version of the paper form. It will be more difficult and costly to make edits once the TeleForm creation process has begun. Along with a draft of the form, CTRIC staff will also need a data dictionary.
TeleForm: Data Dictionary Template and Instructions
How do participants in my study properly complete a TeleForm?
TeleForm: Data Dictionary Template and Instructions
How should I prepare my completed TeleForms before bringing them to CTRIC to be scanned and verified?
It is important to Quality Control (QC) your paper forms before bringing them to CTRIC for scanning and verification. Download this instruction document describing how to QC your forms. According to CTRIC policy, you should complete the form transaction log and attach it as the front page of your batch being submitted.
How do I use TeleForm® Verifier software to verify and commit data?
If you plan to scan and verify your completed TeleForms, you can either request a workstation to be set up at your own office or come to CTRIC and use one of our workstations. You will need a VPN connection on the computer hooked up to the scanner in order to access the TeleForm software.
What is VPN?
VPN stands for virtual private network. In order for your computer to connect to the REDCap software for data entry, you must connect through a VPN.
For help setting up your account and installing the necessary software, please contact