Master of Science in Epidemiology and Clinical Research – Clinical Research Track
The Clinical Research Track of the Master of Science in Epidemiology and Clinical Research is designed specifically to meet the needs of the clinicians and scientists by providing a combination of course work and research experiences needed for a successful career in clinical investigation. The curriculum provides students with a thorough understanding of epidemiology, clinical research methodology, biostatistics, and research ethics and will provide participants with the necessary skills to conduct independent clinical research.
Graduates will gain the ability to:
- Critically appraise scientific literature.
- Formulate research questions and testable hypotheses
- Operationalize dependent and independent variables
- Design and conduct clinical studies that minimize bias and confounding.
- Respect and protect the rights and welfare of individuals participating in research.
- Know when and how to use appropriate statistical methods and interpret the results.
- Choose the appropriate sample size and power to test hypotheses.
- Effectively collect and maintain study data.
- Write a research grant proposal that will successfully compete for funding.
- Evaluate and communicate study findings to scientific and lay audiences.
- Manage a research team and build multidisciplinary collaborations.
The program will prepare students to be competitive in seeking external support and be knowledgeable in the complex issues associated with conducting sound clinical research. A total of 30 credits is required for the degree, which can be completed on a part-time basis within two years and comprises a thesis and non-thesis option. Students may select from multiple concentration areas:
- Epidemiologic Research
- Gerontology
- Patient-Oriented Research
- Human Genetics
- Outcomes/Health Services Research
Mentored Research Project
The completion of a research project in the student's area of research interest is one unique aspect of the program. The purpose of this project is to provide the student with a comprehensive awareness of the research experience from the formulation of the research question to the design and conduct of the research, analysis and presentation of the findings of the study, and finally, the publication of the research results.
Students can fulfill this requirement through a Master's thesis (PREV 799) or a two-semester course, Research Practicum (PREV 747 & 748) (non-thesis option). It is expected that, for most students, the mentoring and training activities invested in the master's thesis ultimately will result in a funded research project.
Course Requirements (30 credits total)
Core Courses (16-17 credits)
- PREV 600 Principles of Epidemiology (Credits: 3)
- PREV 616 Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research at UMB (Credits: 2)
- PREV 619 Biostatistical Computing (Credits: 1)
- PREV 620 Principles of Biostatistics (Credits: 3)
- PREV 720 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (Credits: 3)
- PREV 633 Application of Legal and Regulatory Issues in Clinical Research (Credits: 2)
- CIPP 907 Responsible Conduct of Research (Credits: 1)
- PREV 710 Clinical and Translational Research Project Design and Implementation (Credits: 1-2)
Concentration Courses (6-7 credits)
Concentrations are not required; however, they provide a focus on specific clinical research methods. Other graduate school courses may be taken.
Epidemiologic Research
Concentration Coursework (6 credits)
- PREV 659 Observational Studies in Epidemiology (Credits 3)
- PREV 803 Clinical Trials and Experimental Epidemiology (Credits 3)
Concentration Coursework (9 credits)
- GERO 681 Epidemiology of Aging (Credits 3)
- GERO 711 Biology of Aging (Credits 3)
- GERO 786 Psychology of Aging (Credits 3)
Patient Oriented Research
Concentration coursework (6 credits)
- PHAR 600 Principles of Drug Discovery (Credits 3)
- PREV 803 Clinical Trials and Experimental Epidemiology (Credits 3)
Human Genetics
Concentration Coursework (7 credits)
- HGEN 601 Human Genetics I (Credits 4)
- PREV 711 Genetic Epidemiology (Credits 3)
Outcomes/Health Services Research
Concentration Coursework (6 credits)
- PREV 648 Health Care Administration and Evaluation (Credits 3)
- PREV 758 Health Survey Research Methods (Credits 3)
Remaining Coursework (6-8 credits)
- PREV 747/748 Research Practicum I and II OR PREV 799 Masters Thesis (5-6 credits)
- Additional electives needed to total to 30 credits
Admission Requirements
Applicants complete the University of Maryland application HERE.Users must first create an account.
Please refer to the application instructions for complete information regarding application requirements.
Due dates for the Master's of Science applications:
- March 1, 2025 (early admission deadline)
- May 15, 2025 (final deadline)
More information on the graduate admissions process can be found on the Graduate School website.
Physicians or other health professionals may substitute MCAT (or equivalent) scores for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) requirement.
Only six credits of coursework taken as a non-degree seeking student may be applied to the Master's degree.
For more information about admissions:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Email questions to
For More Information
Please feel free to contact the Director of this track if you have questions:

Jennifer S. Albrecht, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health
Director, Clinical Research Education Programs