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  • Dr. Weintraub discussing research with colleagues
  • Dr. Welsh teaching psychiatry class
  • Dr. Chang

Division of Addiction Research and Treatment

The heroin and opioid epidemic that is ravaging families and communities across the country has been felt acutely in the state of Maryland, where over 2,000 opioid-related deaths were reported in 2017. With a statewide leadership role responding to this crisis, The Division of Addiction Research and Treatment has developed and implemented a number of clinical initiatives, special programs, and community collaborations.

Working with multiple organizations and state agencies, the Division of Addiction Research and Treatment serves as a leader in addressing the current crisis, improving treatment and outcomes for individuals with Opioid Use Disorders.

The Division of Addiction Research and Treatment is nationally recognized for its pioneering work in driving evidence-based approaches to Opioid Use Disorders (OUD) treatment developed over several decades. This effort is evident on several fronts and includes both innovative clinical treatment approaches and education for medical students and advanced trainees.

The successful outcomes of our programs represent a level of excellence that is demonstrated by the awards of long-standing clinical service and basic research grants, as well as, an established presence on multiple committees and task forces commissioned to deal with Maryland’s opioid and heroin problem.

Our faculty continue to testify to legislators in Annapolis about a variety of addiction related issues including Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), drug overdose and naloxone availability, as well as needle/syringe exchange and safe consumption spaces.

Our collaborations with multiple city, state, national, and private organizations include the Baltimore Buprenorphine Initiative, the state’s buprenorphine expansion committee and the Maryland Addiction Consultation Service (MACS), the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Open Society Institute. 

Our outreach continues to expand with innovative nationally recognized telemedicine models that increase access to Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) in remote rural areas. Our faculty are also noted for involvement with national groups addressing substance abuse education for medical professionals, the SAMHSA Opioid State Targeted Response Technical Assistance Program and the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. 

Upcoming Events

23 Apr
36th Annual Tuerk Conference on Mental Health & Addiction Treatment: Tackling the Addiction Crisis 7:30 am | Baltimore Convention Center

Save the date! Additional details coming soon.

11 Sep
Cannabis Research 12:00 pm | Hosick Lecture Hall, Bressler Research Building | 655 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201

Eric Weintraub, MD
Eric Weintraub, MD
Division Head, Division of Addiction Research and Treatment