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Educational Resources and Infrastructure

Chair: Dr. Donna Parker, Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education

Summary Statement:

The transition to a new medical school curriculum is a large undertaking with associated extensive resource needs in space, clinical resources, IT support and faculty time. We created 4 subgroups, each addressing one of these areas. The parent group and subgroups met at least monthly from March – June 2019. The parent group discussed items under consideration at each subgroup providing additional context and direction. Reports from the subgroups were due 7/1. We present a review of the needs and proposed solutions with a timeline.

The IT subgroup is addressing faculty preparedness, curriculum and faculty support, and instructional design and development.

The Space subgroup has begun planning for a new collaborative, active learning space, expected to open in time for the launch of the Renaissance Curriculum. The group will continue to assess other teaching needs including expanded standardized patient use and a needed renovation of the anatomy lab.

The clinical resources subgroup is focused on ensuring adequate clinical spaces for all learners as well as accommodating the period when there is overlap between the Legacy Curriculum and the Renaissance Curriculum.

The faculty time subgroup was convened to examine ways to support those faculty members that expend additional educational efforts above and beyond those reasonably expected from all faculty members in the School of Medicine.