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Gladwin book 01Sickle Cell Disease - 1st Edition

The most comprehensive, current sickle cell disease resource―for both clinicians and researchers

The first and only resource of its kind, Sickle Cell Disease examines this blood disorder through both clinical and research lenses. More than 80 dedicated experts in the field present their combined clinical knowledge of basic mechanisms, screening, diagnosis, management, and treatment of myriad complex complications of a single base point mutation in the human genome. Case studies with “How I Treat” authoritative insights provide overviews of  common and rare complications, and Key Facts offer at-a-glance high-yield information.

Gladwin book 02Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple - 8th Edition

A brief, clear, thorough, and highly enjoyable updated approach to clinical microbiology, brimming with mnemonics, humor, summary charts and illustrations, from Ebola to AIDS to flesh-eating bacteria; to mad cow disease, hantavirus, anthrax, smallpox, botulism, Clostridium difficile diagnosis and treatment; treatment of gonorrhea in light of growing antimicrobial resistance; Tuberculosis diagnostics, drugs for treatment of latent TB infection and MDR TB; the latest antibiotics; pandemic flu, including H7N9; SARS-like coronavirus; the latest hepatitis C treatment options; the latest HIV diagnostics and approved HIV meds; Zika virus; Measles and a chapter on the latest emerging infectious diseases and drug resistant bacteria.

Gladwin book 03Critical Care and Hospitalist Medicine Made Ridiculously Simple - 2nd Edition

Critical Care and Hospitalist Medicine is a fundamental and thorough guide to the treatment of hospitalized patients in critical care situations. This concise critical care medicine book provides both introductory information as well as a complete base of knowledge that will be useful for anyone charged with caring for patients in the ICU, Emergency Department, and hospital. This book covers complicated subjects such as hemodynamic monitoring, airway management, mechanical ventilation, GI bleed, hematologic emergencies, neurologic emergencies, acid-base disorders, renal emergencies, and toxicology. Major updates to the book include a brand new chapter on the SARA-COV-2 Virus and COVID-19 disease. This chapter delves in the nature of the virus and clinical management of COVID-19 in the ICU. The MedMaster Medical Books series are not like any other medical textbooks. Our books are made to help healthcare students and professionals master medical knowledge in a simple, effective, and quick way. Our style makes it ridiculously simple to understand complex subjects and develop critical thinking skills. We believe medical information should be accessible, and we strive to package information in a way that is easy to digest and fun to learn. An ideal book for nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, doctors, and other health care professionals.