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New Opportunities in the 4th Year

Chair: Dr. Joseph Martinez, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs; Assistant Dean for Clinical Education & Residency Programs Liaison

Summary Statement:

The fourth-year work group strongly supports several changes to the current final year of medical school. Broadly, there is support for incorporating a back to basics (B2B) experience as well as developing new Boot Camp sessions more closely tied to specific specialties. There is also support for revamping our current menu of sub-internships: Developing an emergency medicine (EM) sub-internship and exploring the idea of having an outpatient sub-internship experience and possibly having more inpatient teaching services. As we are proposing to add time and rigor to the fourth year, the group recommends exploring the possibility of converting the ICM4 rotation to an elective offering, especially after hearing feedback from the students about how valuable it is to have the current amount of unscheduled time in the fourth year