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Join the WIMS Mailing List



AAMC GWIMS website

American Medical Women’s Association

Association for Women in Science

AMA Women in Medicine Month

National Library of Medicine: 'Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating American Women Physicians'

Articles of Interest

AAMC Promotions at Medical Schools by Rank

AAMC Salary Equity Toolkit

Association of a Simulated Institutional Gender Equity Initiative With Gender-Based Disparities in Medical School Faculty Salaries and Promotions

Feminism is for Everyone

From #MeToo to #TimesUp in health care: can a culture of accountability end inequity and harassment?

Negotiation in academic medicine: narratives of faculty researchers and their mentors

TIME’S UP Healthcare, a non-profit initiative focused on ending harassment and inequity in the healthcare workforce

The "gender gap" in authorship of academic medical literature--a 35-year perspective

What’s Holding Women in Medicine Back from Leadership

Culture Transformation Initiative

Title IX / XCultural Transformation

Title IX Office

Sexual Misconduct Resources and Help 
This is a confidential email account to send suggestions, questions, concerns, or feedback to our senior leadership team. This email box is monitored daily and contributions are brought forward to the Dean or to members of the Dean’s cabinet as appropriate.

UMMC Compliance Line:
1-877-300-DUTY (3889) or For both, please use the username: UMMC and password: UMMCTitle

IX: Office of Accountability and Compliance 
866-594-5220 (Hotline) (report online)

All reports and complaints are taken seriously and are investigated appropriately.

Wellness & Work Life Balance

Wellness and Work Life Balance

Our mission is to promote the health and wellness for all women faculty. Our goals are:

  • Promote tools and content that help women faculty to balance multiple priorities
  • To facilitate women faculty to engage with wellness activities
  • To work with our partners in the Medical Center and on Campus to encourage and support mental and physcial health as priorities