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Edward H. Herskovits, MD, PhD

Edward Herskovits, MD, PhD
Edward H. Herskovits, MD, PhD

Adjunct Professor,
Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

Phone: 410-328-3477


Dr. Herskovits, a board-certified radiologist and neuroradiologist, has extensive experience in image analysis and data mining, including Bayesian methods for the analysis of multidimensional data (including image and genetic data), biostatistics, object-oriented software development, neuroinformatics, and clinical neuroradiology. He has over 20 years of experience applying probability theory and information theory to data analysis and was Principal Investigator on the NIH-funded Brain-Image Database project from 1998-2013.

Together with Dr. Rong Chen, Dr. Herskovits also runs the Biomedical Data Mining Laboratory (BDML, link here) in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine.

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Research Projects

Please select a project title to learn more:

Machine Learning to Assess Brain Injury in HIV Patients

pic for LC_EH R21Although HIV-infected individuals can be treated and have normal life expectancies, up to half continue to suffer from cognitive problems that are often difficult to evaluate. This exploratory study aims to use machine learning to combine different types of brain imaging and clinical data to generate an objective and reproducible approach to assess brain injury associated with HIV-infection. Our approach may provide a useful biomarker to evaluate brain injury and monitor treatments in these patients in both research and clinical settings.

PIs: Linda Chang, MD and Edward H. Herskovits, MD, PhD

Funding NIH: "Machine Learning to Generate a Multivariate Model of Brain Injury in HIV Patients" (1R21NS108811-01).


Active Grants and Proposals

PI/MPIGrant TitleTotal Project PeriodFunding SourceTotal Costs
Edward Herskovits/
Linda Chang
Machine Learning to Generate a Multivariate Model of Brain Injury in HIV Patients 08/01/18 - 07/31/20 (NCE) NINDS $424,875.00
Edward Herskovits Connectivity and genetic associations in Parkinson's disease 06/15/18 - 05/31/21 NIA $654,655.00

Total: $1,079,530.00