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Our Priorities

We use precision medicine to improve health for generations to come

Clinical Goal 2 newGoal 1:

Grow the faculty practice by expanding and optimizing ambulatory and telehealth services and leveraging the entrepreneurial capabilities of the group practices to deliver high-quality clinical care and positive patient experiences.

Objectives >

Goal 2:

Ensure timely and apt patient flow leading to the ‘right patient is in the right place’ within the academic medical system and community network resulting in patient-centered care, increase in capacity, and optimal resource utilization.

Objectives >


Clinical-Goal-1Goal 3:

Establish a learning health system — in collaboration with UMMS, UMB, and UM College Park — that uses data science to accelerate clinical innovations, hasten implementation of evidence-based care, eliminate health disparities, and reduce health care costs.

Objectives >

Goal 4:

Develop cohesive, data-driven administrative structures to deliver efficient and effective clinical care operations.

Objectives >