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Red Blood Cell and Hematology Core


The Red Blood Cell (RBC) Physiology and Hemostasis Core is designed to facilitate research related to RBC function/performance and blood component biology. Our mission is to provide access to cutting edge technology and world class expertise to answer fundamental research questions related to blood and hemodynamic function in health and disease.

The RBC Physiology and Hemostasis Core offers unique resources to CBOTH investigators and Collaborators (within the University of Maryland Medical System). The services provided by the Core allow evaluation of RBC biochemistry, morphology, physiology, and biophysics, and their effect on vascular regulation and O2 delivery.


Services Offered

  • Arterial Blood gas, electrolyte, metabolite levels measurement
  • Analysis of whole blood or RBC mechanics (ektacytometry)
  • Analysis of RBC/Hb oxygen affinity (Oxygen dissociation curve - simultaneous measurement of hemoglobin oxygen saturation and pO2 to generate the ODC)
  • Analysis of vasoactivity:
    • Hypoxic vasodilation - Percentage relaxation of a preconstricted aortic vascular ring held under hypoxic conditions
    • Normoxic vascular constriction - Maximal rate of increase in vascular tension of an aortic ring held under normoxic conditions (constricted with PE and relaxed with ACh)
    • Influence of sample on vascular endothelial function (incubation with the ring and testing of constriction and endothelial dependent and independent relaxation responses)
  • Measurement of nitric oxide metabolites by ozone based (Normoxic vascular constriction - Maximal rate of increase in vascular tension of an aortic ring held under normoxic conditions (constricted with PE and relaxed with ACh)) chemiluminescence. We offer photolysis, triiodide, vanadium chloride, 3Cs, or other methodologies on request
  • Measurement of nitric oxide scavenging


Horiba Micros ESV 60 Hematology Analyzer for Veterinary Samples

  • Horiba Micros ESV 60 Hematology Analyzer for Veterinary Samples


Horiba Micros 60 Hematology Analyzer for Human Samples

  • Horiba Micros 60 Hematology Analyzer for Human Samples


Hemox Analyzer

  • Hemox Analyzer


LORRCA MaxSis Red Blood Cell Analyzer

  • LORRCA MaxSis Red Blood Cell Analyzer


RADNOTI Vascular ring system

  • RADNOTI Vascular ring system
  • ABL 90 FLEX PLUS Blood Gas Analyzer
  • Rheometer

Picture of Stephen Rogers


For questions regarding CBOTH’s Red Blood Cell and Hematology Core services, please contact:

Stephen Rogers, PhD
Director, CBOTH Red Blood Cell and Hematology Core

Phone: 410-706-7094