

Digital & Web Communications

Web Support and Guides


Logging Into T4:

Locating Files in T4

  • Using Breadcrumbs to Locate Files in T4
  • T4 Interface:
    • home
    • plus/minus
    • icons
    • active/pending/deleted
    • Action button ("Section" and "Page" are Synonymous)

Adding and Editing Content

General Tab:

  • Name (where it appears on web page and browser)
  • Shows in Navigation

Content Tab:

  • Content Types - HTML Content Type
  • Formatting (Responsive, Headings, paragraphs, bold/italics)
  • Lists
  • Hyperlinks (section and external)
  • Horizontal Rule Content Type

Subsections Tab:

  • Ordering Navigation

Media Library

To Download:

  1. Right-click on image or text linking to PDF
  2. Chooose "Save Image As" or "Save Link As"
  3. Navigate to Pictures or Documents on your computer
  4. Rename the file using lowercase letters and dashes for spaces

Sample Image

Sample PDF

More Content Types

  • Staff List
  • YouTube
  • Two and Three Column