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Glaser Prize in Imaging

Ed GlaserThe Department has re-established The Glaser Prize in Imaging.

This prize was established to honor Dr. Edmund Glaser when he retired from the Department of Physiology in 1997. Dr. Glaser and his colleague, Dr. Hendrick Van der Loos, made a seminal contribution in the 1960s by creating the first computer-assisted neuron reconstruction system — Neurolucida. He went on to found a company, MBF Bioscience in Williston, Vermont, to further develop and market software for neuroscience imaging in 1988 with his son Jack Glaser, the current company president.

The prize is awarded for the most visually attractive scientific image submitted by a student working in the current academic year in the laboratory of a faculty member with a primary or secondary appointment in the Department of Physiology. Images may be obtained with any instrument, may be of any cell or tissue type, and may be subjected to any form of post-acquisition modification.

Amanda Labuza, a Program in Neuroscience PhD student, is the winner of the 2018 Glaser Prize in Imaging.

Mouse muscle fiber


Staining of mouse muscle fibers shows that three proteins that regulate calcium levels are assembled into a single three-part complex, visible as yellow. (green = small ankryin 1 and sarcolipin within <10nm of each other, red = sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 1, blue = muscle cell nuclei).