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For Researchers

University of Maryland (UM) Genetics BIObank

The University of Maryland Medicine (UMM) Biorepository is a research resource based in the Program for Personalized and Genomic Medicine under the direction of Dr. Coleen Damcott. 

Within the UMM Biorepository, PPGM Director, Dr. Alan Shuldiner leads the UM Genetics BIObank Study (IRB#: HP-60131).  Participants enrolled in the BIObank submit a blood or saliva sample for storage for future research and provide medical history information and agree to medical record access for data collection.  Additionally, there is an option for future recontact of participants to collect additional information or invite for research participation.

Sample types available:

  • DNA
  • Serum
  • Plasma

Variables collected include:

  • Sex, Age, Race, Ethnicity
  • Medications (from EPIC)
  • Self-reported health history
  • Smoking habits

Reliable biospecimens with linked clinical data are made available to qualified investigators by submitting a request for sample use to the Biorepository. Information and assistance for requesting samples is located on the sample request page located HERE. Summary information describing the current biospecimen collection and participant data is as follows: